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The incoming superintendent of Albuquerque Public Schools is ready to hit the ground running


ALBUQUERQUE, NM (KRQE) – It’s a big change for Albuquerque Public Schools with a new leader calling the shots as Superintendent Scott Elder retires.

It may be the most viewed job in New Mexico education, leading one of the state’s largest school districts. “It was a difficult decision for me because I know the weight that comes with the role but at the same time it’s what drew me to it,” said Dr Gabriela Blakey.

After 20 years working in Albuquerque Public Schools, Dr. Gabriela Blakey knew she was the woman for the job. “Well, if not me, who? So I just felt called to put my name down because I’m committed to making a difference for the kids of Albuquerque,” ​​said Dr. Blakey.

Blakey is now transitioning into the role after he was selected for the job in February. Although he plans to continue down the APS path, Dr. Blakey says he’s not afraid to shake things up. “I think I’ve always had a really good perspective on learning from the outside and then bringing it back to make it work for Albuquerque,” said Dr. Blakey.

It starts with hearing what kids think they need to be successful. “They’ve expressed that they’re bored in school, that they don’t feel challenged, that they want to do things differently, and so I really want to hear what that looks like,” Dr. Blakey said.

He will talk to parents and staff about what is working. “A lot of times things work really well in a school and then the district comes in and makes a change and it frustrates people because what was working in the school was working for the community,” said Dr. Blakey.

He hopes that students with a negative mindset will change their attitude towards APS. “They don’t hear positive things about their school or their teachers or their principal, and so I think we really need to benefit the people who are doing really well,” said Dr. Blakey.

This summer, Dr. Blakey says he’s ready to hit the ground running. “I don’t think I need a learning period or what people call a honeymoon period in a new position and I haven’t really had it since I’ve been here so I’m a little anxious to get started,” said Dr. Blakey.

Dr. Blakey will officially take over as superintendent on July 1st.


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