Home News Big investors want to earn from Bitcoin through a third party

Big investors want to earn from Bitcoin through a third party


Important facts:
  • The expert says traditional investors no longer associate Bitcoin with money laundering.

  • According to one financial manager, it is important to convert investments into Bitcoin in case of volatility.

With the bullish trend of Bitcoin (BTC), large mainstream investors are buying the digital asset with the help of asset and wealth managers. Chilean industry experts spoke from their experience at a conference during the CryptoSummit event held in Santiago de Chile on March 20.

“It is not new to anyone that cryptocurrencies have already made a place in the investment world,” Said Businessman Sergio Trisio. As co-founder and general manager of Patrimore, an estate planning fintech, he said many clients already come to him looking for help with different exposure instruments.

He said the recent launch of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the United States and others shows that exposure to digital assets in the traditional ecosystem is “becoming part of a necessity.” He commented, “This is evidenced by the attractive profitability we have seen in this world.”

According to Trisio, “the world of crypto assets is here to stay.” attribute this to the fact that Big investment banks are taking new ideas on this asset class (asset class). What motivates investing is that “you want to achieve profitability with its high volatility” and/or “you believe it’s going to change the world,” he indicated.

Regarding risk taking, it has been noted that some people are riskier than others by putting all their investment capital into cryptocurrencies. “It largely depends on each person’s perspective,” he said. For them, the prudent ratio is not more than 10% of the portfolio.

For the legacy expert, the “ideal” is to always maintain the same performance. so, If growth exceeds established percentage, take profit from balance ratio, On the other hand, as prices fall, buy more to maintain the established figure.

“This is the hardest thing to accomplish because when we experience this excitement and this FOMO (fear of missing out) that everyone wants to get in on, one usually does the opposite: buy high, and then get scared. And sell at a lower price,” he mentioned.

Cristóbal Pereira, José María Swett, Sergio Trisio and Ignacio Carrasco. Source: CryptoSummit.

In the agreement, Ignacio Carrasco, managing partner of Pondera, a company specializing in digital asset management and administration, assured that client interest in digital assets is growing. “It’s more important today than it was five years ago,” he said.

“Five years ago, you were talking to a client about digital assets and many people told you ‘It’s a scam… it’s money laundering…’,” he said. Conversely, he indicated that now “people have more information, the press captures more of it.” He said, “For the same fact (…), there is more and more adoption and more interest.”

give this warning Interest has been increasing for quite some time, fueling a growing offering of traditional instruments to invest in digital assets. He emphasized that the great managersThe company, which manages billions of dollars, started by launching an investment fund in Bitcoin in 2013-2014.

Carrasco explained that the work of portfolio manager (Portfolio Manager) and the team of analysts behind it aim not just to maximize profitability with Bitcoin. They also analyzed in detail how industry projects earn and how much they earn to identify opportunities there.

“Managers, fund administrators, are concerned about building a portfolio that produces returns,” he explained.

Expert Says High Net Worth People Are Already Thinking About How Much To Invest In Bitcoin

“Large net worth assets are already thinking about how much of the portfolio should be in it,” Jose Maria Swett, partner and general manager of asset manager Taurus AGF, said of the digital asset market. However, he clarified that Difficulties are being faced in purchasing and storing shares directly,

“There are natives who can download the wallet from the phone, but there are also estates who cannot do so,” he said. He explained that this could be due to a number of factors, such as belonging to multiple owners or having to comply with special regulations.

Despite these difficulties, he points out that larger players in the market are “beginning to consider digital assets asset class That should already be in any investor’s property. To facilitate this, Taurus this week launched a new fund that invests in the market, he said.

These comments come a week after Bitcoin hit a new price record, lifting the overall cryptocurrency market. As CriptoNoticias reported, its maximum amount so far was $73,700 (USD).


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