Home News Fla. Alligator on golf course with turtle in its jaws

Fla. Alligator on golf course with turtle in its jaws


by: Sarah Phillips



Tampa, Fla. (WFLA) — was photographed with a turtle in the jaws of a giant alligator on a golf course in Florida last week.

Casey Yarbrough was on the fairway on the 14th hole of the Naples Golf Course on March 20 when she said she heard gunshots.

After driving to where he heard the noise, Yarbrough said he saw something he’d never seen in his 50 years of golfing: a huge alligator, estimated to be about 14 feet long, with a snapping turtle weighing about 50 pounds stuck in it. the jaw

“You don’t see that every day,” Yarbrough told Nextstar’s WFLA.

Yarbrough said he assumed the alligators had eaten the turtle, though he admitted he had never seen a gator try to eat one. The turtle was so big, Yarbrough added, that he thought there was no way the gator would have been able to eat it.

When asked how he would describe the event, Yarbrough told WFLA that it was “kind of amazing.”

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Residents are reminded to be wary of alligators near waterways, always keep a safe distance and never feed one. The animals are often active at dawn and dusk, the agency adds.


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